The Fight Begins!
Created by Evelyn 15 years ago
When we first met, Rupes was forty two and I was sixteen. As a thoroughly decent but old-fashioned man, he had a bit of a problem with this. I really had to FIGHT to keep hold of the man. I could understand his problem, but I just didn't care. Seriously. We HAD TO BE TOGETHER. So I fought with every weapon at my disposal - powerful words, persuasive eyelash flutters, weeping - you name it, I tried it. I have no bad concience over this at all. He obviously wanted to be with me, except for the age gap. I just had to make him see that things he thought were problems were actually nothing at all. Anyway, he couldn't keep away; not in the final analasys. Maybe if I'd gone out of my way to put him off he might have managed to walk away, but I didn't and he couldn't - because, no matter what he thought and said, he still kept on coming to meet me at every possible oppourtunity. "Be with me" must be my most - used phrase for those couple of weeks I fought to have him. I used it to overcome any logical argument he might put up. Because love, you see, is stronger than logic; I knew I would win in the end. I had to. I put everything of myself into the fight to keep hold of him, and just kept telling him to be with me. It worked :)